│Nr. │ Numele şi prenumele │ Ţara │ Institutul străin la care este membru │
│crt.│ │de origine│ │
│ 1.│ Bălan Alexandra Andreea │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 2.│ Boldea Lavinia Linda │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 3.│ Constantin Cristian Ovidiu │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 4.│ Drăgoi Monica Iuliana │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 5.│ Gabor Jitariu Smaranda Gabriela│ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 6.│ Grosu Florin │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 7.│ Musteaţă Petrică │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 8.│ Panait Alexandru Ionuţ │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 9.│ Puiu Monica Elena │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 10.│ Sabău Casian Traian │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 11.│ Smutin Irina │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 12.│ Stan Mihail Dan │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 13.│ Trifan Anita Cristina │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 14.│ Ungureanu Paul Bogdan │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 15.│ Vezentan Ioan Stelian │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 16.│ Voicu Lorena │ România │ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ 17.│ Peneva Silvia Gueorguieva │ Bulgaria │ Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria│
│ 18.│ Sevcenco Serghei Alexander │ Republica│ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants │
│ │ │ Moldova │ │