06 Iunie 2014
The "Progressives" have stripped us of all civil and human rgtihs and shut our voice a long time ago. They are diligently tearing one another to pieces in the same time-aged medieval quarrel in which we have no say - and perhaps it would be better that way if we were not at the end, all going to be affected by their arrogance. "Progressive Judaism" is in deep deep crisis. Israel is only an alibi. Today it is Israel. Six centuries ago it was Maimonidean rationalism with the same time-worn slogans of "saving Israel from itself" and the like. They are heading for a one man-one-denomination system, they are intent on the destruction of American Jewry, but we too will pay the price for the short-sightedness of the Mordekhai Kaplans and the Eric Yoffies.That's what it is really about. The "slanderers and the species" have always played the role of the fly of la Fontaine's "The Coach and the Fly" fable in that same show.